Handmade. Heartmade. To sweeten your soul.

Welcome to
Sweet Kat

About us

Sweet Kat isn't just a business; it's an extension of Kat, where she overflows with love and creativity through sweets.

These desserts began as a way for her to connect with friends and loved ones whom she had drifted from during the pandemic. It was only after requests from friends that Kat decided to start selling them.

However, financial gains was never the focus: rather, it was about reconnection and bringing joy. Thus the slogan "made with love to sweeten the soul". And indeed that's the intention: to bring happiness and well-being to everyone who tastes the sweets.

Everything Kat does with Sweet Kat is imbued with this purpose of love and bliss. Even the partnerships she forms must hold value and meaning.

The sweets are made with care, with soul and with presence, so they bring love, delight and satisfaction to those who indulge in them.